Man sitting on couch during a therapy session

Ethical Standards

As the Certifying Entity for addictions counselors and peer support specialists, APSC receives ethics complaints against counselors and peer support specialists who violate one or more standards from the Code of Ethics. To view the Code of Ethics, Complaint Procedures, and Complaint Form see below. You may file a complaint by completing the online form below or by downloading and submitted the completed complaint form.

Additional Resources

File A Complaint

Please complete the report as comprehensively as possible. Mark “unsure,” “do not know” or “not applicable” when appropriate. For a complaint to be investigated, a thorough and signed report must be submitted. No anonymous reports are considered. Thank you for your time and concern.

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MM slash DD slash YYYY

Ethical Standard Report

Please complete report as comprehensively as possible. Mark "unsure," "do not know" or "not applicable" when appropriate. In order for a complaint to be investigated a thorough report must be submitted. Thank you for your time and concern.

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